How are remote monitoring supports provided?
The Rest Assured patented web-based remote support system uses the latest wireless technology to offer customers and clients real-time interactive in-home support services. Rest Assured telecare services have been specifically designed to support adults who have cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities in order to help them grow, develop and enhance the quality of their lives.
Support is provided through the creative use of an interactive, web-based system. This includes the use of electronic sensors, speakers and microphones, tele-cameras (in common areas of the home), smoke detectors, temperature detectors, personal emergency response systems, and much more. These devices link each individual’s home to remote caregivers who provide remote supported-living services. Our caregivers are trained to support each individual’s needs, to provide a customized and individualized service to each person we serve.

Person-Centered Design
Making an Informed Decision
Designing the Best Solution for You
Best of the Best Remote Caregivers
Our History and Experience
Common Use Examples
We have never set up two systems in the exact same way because there are never two people who are exactly the same. Here are some common use examples:
- Replacing an on-site overnight caregiver to support with those “just in case” situations
- Assuring the person doesn’t leave his or her home
- Assuring only approved visitors are in the home; helping to prevent exploitation
- Giving reminders for medication administration and making sure meds are taken as prescribed
- Assisting the person in making safe choices
- Coaching through activities of daily living like preparing meals or completing personal hygiene
Do you want to see it in action?
Contact us today to request a full demo of our system and service options.

Want to See a Demo
Contact us today to set up a live demonstration of our system and services.